Sunday, April 24, 2011

April is Birthday Month

So many birthdays this month.  So Happy Birthday to all you Kimberlite berners.

Special mention goes to Kimberlite's Foreign Affair (Reigny) who turned 11 years old April 23.  She is the last survivor of the F litter.

Happy 2nd birthday to Q Litter - born April 13.

Happy Birthday TODAY to O Litter - you are all 6 years old. The entire litter is still alive and well. 

Tomorrow is N litters 7th birthday.

April 28th is the 9th birthday of I litter. To the best of my knowledge 4 remain from that litter of 10.

Hugs and kisses to all you Kimberlite berners...hopefully you all get lots of belly rubs and special treats.

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