Friday, December 6, 2013


I said my final farewell to my beautiful boy "Joey".  Words fail me to express how much I loved that boy.  He and I did so many wonderful things together.  He was my consummate show dog. He was a gentleman and one of the sweetest berners to have set paws on this planet.  Joey shared the last 5 years of his life with Lynne, Norm and Chad.  It was a win-win situation - he was their bed dog, constant companion and love bug.  Me, I got to take him out to shows and have him when they went on vacations.

Joey won many awards and ribbons, his last being Best Veteran and 1st Award of Merit at the 2013 Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Canada National Specialty.  I was never so proud as I was that day - he strutted his stuff with all the other gorgeous berners and never shut down on me once.

Belly rubs sweetie - I will see you in my dreams.

Ch. Kimberlite's Not Yer Avge Joe
April 25, 2004 - December 5, 2013

Thursday, November 28, 2013

My Lastest Artwork

Here are a couple of pieces I have finished.

The first one I call "Big Horses".  I always see these workhorses along Highway 5.

This one I call "The Cosmos"

Friday, November 1, 2013


Ch. Kimberlite's Ophelia, one of my precious girls from the "O" litter passed away on Sept. 16, 2013 at the age of 8.5 years old.  Ophie lived with me for the first 4 years of her life and then went and lived with my dear friends Sheryl and Barry in Winnipeg.  She was a sweet girl with a lively and funny personality.  She is missed.

Kimberlite's Kindred Spirit - "Lady"

"Lady" was the love of my parent's life.  She was the perfect berner in every way. She was also the biggest female I've ever seen, her normal weight was 125 pounds.  She was bigger than many males.  A gentle creature who spent her salad days on the farm in Shelburn, Ontario.  One of her favourite activities was to ride on the golf cart up and down the grass runway.  She loved that golf cart so much that often she would take it around herself by sitting on the gas pedal.  Many a time, my parents would see the golf cart whizzing, they had start taking out the keys.

I got to see Lady 5 days before she passed away. My parents were out west visiting and brought Lady with them.  I knew she was not feeling well and just before they left my house I gave her a special hug and kiss because I knew that was the last time I would ever see her.   I didn't expect her to be gone in 5 days, but one morning she just could not get her rear end up. 

Lady was part of the K litter and was born a few days ahead of the L litter.  I raised the K and L litter together, with moms Pal and Genie exchanging puppies for nursing.  Lady had the scarlet ID band.

I painted this picture of Lady and it now hangs in my parents house.  She was 10.5 years old.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April - Happy Birthday to Kimberlite Pups

Happy 4nd birthday to Q Litter - born April 13.

Happy Birthday  to O Litter - you are all 8 years old. The entire litter is still alive and well.  Born April 24.

Happy 9th birthday to Joey from the N litter, born today.

April 28th is the 11th birthday of I litter. To the best of my knowledge 2 remain from that litter of 10.

Hugs and belly rubs to all - Love Favourite Mommy :-)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Marilyn Bernroe

Inspired by Andy Warhol - I call this piece Marilyn Bernroe

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How To Reduce the Junk in Your Inbox

I know...what 3 posts in 1 day after 2 years of non-activity!

Interestingly, I quit facebook today (cold turkey - probably why there are 3 posts here).  But what is more surprising, my inbox is quiet.

For love of my sanity - won't someone please send me an email!

Art by Tripz

Since I've retired from breeding berners, I've taken up painting and working with mixed media.  I had to find something to occupy my time.

It's Been Two Years - Hello Again


It's been two years since I've blogged and I'm hoping that I will get back into it.  Today, I deactivated my facebook account.  That thing is far too addictive and I wanted to free myself.

What has happened since I last blogged here:

My boyfriend Bogart passed away in May 2012.

Old Puddy passed away in Oct. 2012

I am down to two berners - Lola and Sparkle and 4 kitties:  Lil' Puddy, Baby Puddy, Mr. Slinky and Pepe.

Winter is never-ending here.

Anyway - I hope to get starting doing some blogging again.