Lola earned her 2nd point too. Paul and Lynne's "Chloe" and "Boz" did very well, with "Chloe" earning Best of Opposite in 5 shows and Best of Breed for one show. "Boz" earned Best of Winner's for two shows.
Here is Lola (18 months old) doing the go-around. The judge is Leslie Rogers.
Here is Lola doing the down and back.
Boz (3 years old) doing the Go Around.
Boz doing the Down and Back
Best of Breed - Line Up: Keeper (3 yrs), Chloe (16 months), Boz (3 yrs), Lola (18 months)
That Lola certainly has character!! Nice to see her, she made me laugh. You two look like you had fun. Thanks for sharing.